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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Canadian Election 2011

from by qew

A message to all interested candidates from the National Executive and the Leader

If you've made your way to the Canadian Action Party, it's likely you understand the importance of monetary policy and the ramifications it has on personal and national sovereignty. If a country does not utilize the ability to create its own money then the true power of the country rests in the hands of private interests. If private interests control the power structure of the public good, then the power of the public will be limited by those with private interests. We are calling on all public citizens who are willing to protect the public good, not only for their own personal sovereignty, but for the sovereignty of the country.
Many Canadians do not know the true meaning of a sovereign society which issues its own currency interest free. If you are one of the few Canadians who do know its importance we ask you to step forward now and put your name on the ballot slip. You can mark your vision for Canada with an X or you can mark your vision for Canada with your name. The Canadian Action Party is here to aid in your vision.

The Canadian Action Party is a unique party that will have many unlikely candidates. Stay at home parents who know the meaning of family, retirees who have found meaning in a life of hard work, entrepreneurs who live by the expression the buck stops here, students who know that learning is a life long endeavor.
Together we form a cohesive front where the power of government rests in the hands of active citizens, not X's on a piece of paper every sum odd years.
With this upcoming election we will start the debate of monetary policy that will transcend election cycles and turn to conversations in all the great halls of power in the country.
Whether it is on parliament hill, the local community square or the family room in your neighbors house the conversation of monetary policy and sovereignty will happen and it will not stop with time line of an election cycle. If you have a voice, speak the empowering words of the Canadian Action Party, speak the truth as you see it, speak of the future as you envision it; but most importantly speak up for the voices of all other Canadians.
Todd Stewart
Chair of Communications

Some helpful campaign advice from Psam Frank

I ran in two elections back in 2008 for CAP, a by-election and the general election.
It took me about 20 hours of work in each election to get the necessary 100 signatures from constituents to get me the nomination to be a candidate in the riding. I want to give some hints to CAP candidates to help them get started on this difficult task.
First of all, call anybody you know and ask if they're willing to help you. Even one person makes a difference. Having somebody beside you to hold the pen and the forms and give extra commentary to make things more pleasant while you're talking to people makes them more comfortable with you. It's even good to have your friend walk up to people and introduce you to them as a potential candidate. If your friend is not willing to help you the whole time, you'll have to do a lot of it alone, as I did, but even a couple of hours help keeps your morale high for the rest of the time that you're alone.
The best way to approach people is to explain that you're just asking their permission to run as a candidate, and don't try to explain any political beliefs unless they ask you. A lot of people will sign just because they feel it should be your right to run if you want to, without even knowing your specific agenda. Many people don't even know we need their permission just to get on the ballot, and they learn something about the political process by having you explain this aspect of the nomination.
I don't suggest door to door, as it takes longer, but that depends on your area. What seems to work best from what I've seen is areas with small shops, especially coffee shops, where you can easily approach people even while they look lost in thought or reading something and they never seem to mind. I got most of my signatures either from inside coffee shops or just outside within a block where people are in "coffee mode". Coffee is a symbol of being social eh?
Once you've got your 100 signatures, you've got a thousand dollars to think about or your deposit, which you'll get back, and then you have to also prepare for debates, which are stressful but satisfying, because we are the only party that will let our candidates say "abrogate NAFTA", which Canadians LOVE. I got a standing ovation for saying that, the biggest applause in the night. Once you're on the ballots, you may find, as I did, that you get approached to be asked to participate in debates. Talk to your fellow CAP members for support before going in. If you don't get approached for debates, you may have to look for a couple on community TV or local papers.
If you want any more advice, I'd be willing to talk to you on the phone. I've got some more specific ideas but they're better to talk about in person to get the situation specifics worked out.
Good luck everybody. Congratulations on being some of the greatest Canadians that we'll be seeing in the coming months in a public forum. Thank you for what you're doing.
Psam Frank
CAP Chief Agent

Helpul links for Candidates

START THIS ONE ASAP! Nomination forms:
These need to be submitted with original consent letter of Auditor and letter of Leader before April 11th to your election office. Please email for this information or call CAP office at 1-902-472-3114.
Timeline for Candidates:
I realize that the task of running is overwhelming for some. And it is a big task. The protection of Canada's sovereignty is a bigger task. Participating in this process and sharing with everybody the reasons you choose to run is success in itself, no matter the results. If each candidtate focuses on 5 out of a 100 people that agree with the CAP message and vote for CAP, that is a huge success. Remember there are over 42% of the voting public that did not vote last election. I have had many conversations with people dissatisfied with the government and so no longer vote. CAP is the answer to make sure their vote is not wasted and heard! Help give them that voice.
CAP is not in the perfect financial position to fund and back as many candidates as this Country needs. Our strategy with the limited funds and a snap election being called, is to focus on a few Ridings to try to make an impact on a plan that we can replicate in the future. That being said we are keen for as many people that are willing to rise up to the duty of representing the voters with a true alternative to run as CAP Candidtates.
All OUR candidtates will have our full support, enthusiasm and advice to share how to get things done.
Together we can Save Canada.
Christopher Porter


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