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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Letter of Acceptance Members of Canadian Action Party

from Chaotic Fate by qew

It is a honour for me to serve as your interim Leader with the aim to ensure that Canada's sovereignty is preserved through the 5 Pillars of CAP. At the core of our being, is our belief that New Change for Canada is possible through;
  • using the Bank of Canada appropriately
  • through government created money
  • preserving the sovereignty of Canada, which is more important than corporate globalization
  • ensuring that its citizens' civil rights are protected by the government
  • allowing voters opinions and concerns to be listened to and reflected in its decisions
  • balancing the environment with sustainable development
The message of CAP is prime for Canadians. They are tired of feeling vulnerable and feeling unable to stop the increasing amount of infringement of their sovereignty and rights.
Canadian Action Party can help them realise that there are answers to their concerns and there are options in the governance of Canada. I am dedicated to spreading this message across Canada, with the help of the National Executive and membership. We need you to work with us.
The Canadian Action Party is a representation of the members. Your voice and presence brings the strength of the Pillars of CAP to the populace. In the upcoming weeks there will be specific calls to action by myself and the National Executive, to bring your skills and abilities into play for the Party.
I will be presenting my strategic plan shortly and openly invite everybody to contribute their ideas, thoughts and concerns towards its development. A leader simply represents the will and desires of its team. You are an important part of that team.
CAP has some gifted and dedicated members and I am certain that working collectively we can provide the alternatives in the political arena that Canadians are searching for. It will not be easy, it will not be quick, but we will succeed.
We will succeed through our dedication and our strong belief that this is Canada, Our Home and Native Land. I thank you for your belief in CAP and a belief that Change is Possible!
I look forward to serving you and creating New Change for Canada!
Christopher Porter


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